Monday, July 27, 2009

Nature at it's best

I was driving home the other evening, after dark again, I'm getting used to this 'dark stuff' after almost a year of being pampered, safe and secure in my house with real lights and all..

Any-hoo, when I turn on my road I have a HUGE hill to go up and over to get to my house. The hill is about a mile up, and a mile back down. It's really, really dark on the hill, at night, of course. I think the boogey man might live up there, in perfect harmony with the armadillos, bob-cats, coyotes, turkey, buzzards (that puke on your car if you upset them), deer and the one and only little black bear anyone has seen around here.

So, I turned up my road and started up the hill, and my headlights caught sight of a large dog, no, a small deer! This little guy couldn't have been very old, it was all spindly-legged and tiny, with the brilliant spots only a recently new-born would have. This little bugger was standing in the middle of my lane, and upon my arrival, it started to run. Up the hill. On the road. There is nothing but woods on both sides of the road for two miles, plenty of opportunity for the poor bugger to dive off the road, but it stayed in front of my car, running for it's poor little life.

So I slowed down, followed it for a while, then 'Beep, Beep' I made my horn say. Oh, the poor critter started trying to run faster up the steep hill, his little hoofs slipping, I felt bad. I grabbed my camera to get a shot at it but all I got was glare off my windshield. Rats. Poor-little-scared-bugger ran a whole mile to the top of the hill, passing several spots that had easy access to the woods, until it finally stopped on the crest to hang it's head and pant. Now I was really feeling sorry for it.

I stopped the car, got out with camera in hand, first I wanted a pic of it standing in my headlights, and second I wanted to usher it into the woods. Well, it got one look at big-ol-mean-I'm-gonna-eat-you-me and started running again, still on the road. The crest of the road ended and started to climb again, by now it had run about a mile. It got in the opposite lane and I pulled up beside it, to One; get a pic, and Two, chase it into the woods. Poor dumb thing turned towards my car and bumped off the front left fender, which panicked it even more, if that was possible!

It got back in front of me and ran like I was the devil himself, for another half a mile or so, until it found a driveway on the left to dive into. And he was gone. I hoped for two things: The run didn't kill him and he finds his dear deer mommy, I'm sure he was hungry after the marathon! And I bet he stays off the road from now on, too!


  1. I cannot believe you chased an innocent little Bambi deer a mile and a half up a dark road in your car.

    Further, I cannot believe that you weren't a little more aggressive with your bumper when Bambi "ran into you."

    What do you call baby deer meat, anyway? We could eat that stuff you know . . . it wouldn't be like Mr. Bill's venison, found dead but still warm.

  2. Oh, I'm a softy, I couldn't kill poor little bambi, a pheasant on the side of the road? hell yeah, but not bambi! ( would have been sweet, tender meat, though :-) )

  3. Oh my heart was breaking reading this story about Bambi.

    How hard did he hit your fender? Were you moving? Do you think it was concussed and would have died?

    Poor little thing,eh?

  4. UBER, the answer to your question is, "not hard enough," since it got away.

  5. Ubermouth, I was almost stopped, it just bumped into me, if it died, it was from the run a mile up the steep hill. Yeah, poor little thing, I felt sorry for it. Good news is this: Bambi now knows, without a doubt, that roads are BAD!
