I took the day off today. I spent a few hours this morning re-addressing some old, OLD stuff. Old like about 35 years ago old. Ticks me right the heck off when stuff creeps up on me and drop kicks me to the floor, but I've learned to roll with it, things get better MUCH faster if I roll with the punch.
So I rolled with the punch, had a good sniffling, hitching and snotty cry and decided to take the day off. I'm glad I did, for several reasons.
One: She slept all day anyway.
Two: She eats for other people if she gets hungry enough, and
Three: I'm not the all-powerful-saviour-of-the-world/family anyhoo!
What did I do on my day off? I went to visit a friend, bought myself a big fat box of Frosted Flakes and came home to pig out. I mowed the lawn, weeded my flower bed and now? I'm drinking wine like a person who deserves the best. (thought I was gonna say 'wine-o, huh?)
I think I'll take a long hot bath, get in my jammies, (yeah, so what it's only 3:30 in the afternoon, it's 5 O'Clock somewhere!) and watch movies. I hear the cheese and crackers calling me, and my wine glass is almost empty.
Have a great day, everyone.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
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Wine-O! There, I said it for you! Where have we heard that 5 o'clock somewhere line? It's the best!
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad to read this. You deserve this. Good for you. Sounds like an awesome day. A mental health day.
ReplyDeleteI think the 5 o'clock line is a country song!
ReplyDeleteMental health day, hmmm, I have a hard time saying that line. I'd rather say I have the flying heebie jeebie's!