Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Alfred Hitchcock in real time

Remember the movie 'The Birds', where all these crazy black birds attack a town and wreak havoc? I don't remember what set Alfred's birds off but I know what set my yard birds off and I'll tell you.

The darned cat caught a little baby birdy. Ok, the cat does stuff like that, he's a cat, fer cryin' out loud. But he just happened to pick on the meanest bird-family in the yard. These little creatures, no more than a handful, are grey with white spots on the tops and undersides of their wings. You can only see the spots when they are in flight.

They have a very distinct vocabulary; Chirp, Chirp, trilllll, Chirp, trilllll, Chirp, and so on. And they're mean. Oh, I did say that, didn't I? I have seen them dive-bombing crows, and the crows run like hell, which is weird, since crows are at least 3 times bigger than these little buggers, and crows are WAY louder, 'CAW, CAW'! But for all their big-ness and loud calls, they still run like hell.

Well, guess who else runs like hell? I do. Back to the innocent little baby birdy. The cat has this little creature captured in his mouth under the porch and two of these little killer birds are having a FIT. Flitting all over the porch, sitting on the rails, chairs, Chirping and trilling.. I came out to see what all the racket was about and got dive-bombed by one of them.

I extracted the un-injured baby birdy out of the cat's mouth, banished him to the inside and released the innocent baby birdy onto the grass. Baby birdy flies away, problem solved, right?


Several hours, I say SEVERAL hours later, I went out the back door, opposite side of the house from the bird incident, to get my laundry off the line. "Chirp, Chirp, Trill", I find the talking bird on the edge of the roof. "Chirp, Chirp, Trill", I see the other one on a pole behind me. The cat walks across the lawn to lay at my feet, good little kitty, and on the way towards me one of the killer birds dive-bombed him. Straight out of the air, zoooooom, pecked at the cat's tail on the way by. Now don't tell me those birds remember!! ?? I started to wonder about me, I had my grubby little hands on cute little baby birdy too.

Sure enough, they set up, one on each side of me, and started calling back and forth, and, to my surprise, calling in back-up troops. Now I had 4, that's FOUR killer birds Chirping and trilling, surrounding me and making a plan of attack.

As I reached up to the cloths line to take an item down, two of them swooped down off the roof and buzzed between my arm and my head, screaming all the way.

I don't know what kind of birds they are, or how long they remember that the cat and I murdered their cute little baby birdy, but I think I'll stay in this evening. Man, I hope they forget!


  1. Great Story, DD. Glad those birds live at your house and not mine!

  2. Oh, man... Birds DO have a long memory. Scary stuff. I don't like being dive bombed by birds. And I do remember The Birds. Freaky. I'm more afraid of being crapped on, I think.

  3. At least they weren't buzzards, they actually puke on you. Birds have a long memory? I'm never going outside again!!! :(
