Saturday, June 13, 2009

Back to school,

There is a movie called "Billy Madison", starring Adam Sandler. It is a silly movie about a rich, spoiled kid who's father owns a huge Hotel chain. Billy is (supposedly) an adult, out of school, but spends all his time drinking around the pool with his two loser buddies.

Daddy worked hard his whole life building the Hotel chain hoping to pass the business on to his son, but decides to give the chain to one of his employees as the son is nothing but a drunken loser that acts like a total goof and chases imaginary penguins around the mansion riding in a golf cart.

Billy gets a wake-up call when he discovers he's about to lose his inheritance, thus promising 'Daddy' he will go back to school, starting with first grade, all the way through to 12th. He promises to attend each grade for two weeks, passing each one without 'Daddy' paying off the teachers.

It's a silly movie with some toilet humor, some sexual content, (of course), and some off-color language. After some naughty school-boy behaviour, Billy settles down and graduates, his father throws a big party, Billy hooks up with his third grade teacher and gets control of the Motel Chain.

Why am I telling you all this? Well, I'll just tell ya! I have been taking some practice ACT tests online, and found that I TANK in math. Ok, I worked on it, got a little better, but still have questions. What the heck are all those 'x's, r's and y's' anyway? And how the heck can I know how old susie is if she is 5 years older than joe and johnny is 6 years older that susie and the total age is 41, how the heck old is everyone? Yeah, a lot of work to do here.

So I decided to go to the grammar exam, make myself feel good with a passing grade. WRONG! Tank, flush and drain away. GEEZ. (Just read this and see what I know about grammer!)

So I goes over the exam and discovered that I know a bunch of the stuff, I didn't PAY ATTENTION to the details in the questions. Like if the words 'math, english and science' are all in a sentence, and they all are written in LOWER CASE letters, than that's IT. So, don't go and correct the dumb sentence by putting a capitol letter in front of one of them.

So after stomping around the yard muttering to my imaginary penguin, I decided to put my nose back in the game and PAY ATTENTION. Brains, anyone, brains? Send some my way please!


  1. grammer. and spelling. (which of the first three words is mis-spelled?) 8-)

  2. on the upside, it's just about getting your head back in the game. Review the fundamentals and you'll be fine.

  3. What does 8-) mean? Yer throwin too much at me!! I got this figured out, though:

    (1+15/5) + (3-6).5. I hae the answer, do you??

    Should you take the '.' out between 'grammer' and 'spelling'?

  4. Math makes my head hurt. I never saw Billy Madison. Some day I want to go back to school, but I'm already REALLY overwhelmed these days, and just trying to get through each day without medication.

    I admire you. And I know you'll be great.
