Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday the 13th?

Yep, it's Friday the 13th. My [almost] black cat is in rare form, already this morning he's gotten on the table, knocked some nick nacks down and tried to get in the trash. The durn fool tried to kill me too. No, really, he tried to kill me! He, he,,, dum da dum da.... he CROSSED MY PATH!!! That was at the early hour of 3:30 this morning.

Yes, 3:30 AM. That's the part of the day when it's still dark out and I'm supposed to be entering that wonderful, deep REM sleep where I dream about having a fat checking account and a place to go when it gets light out and I wake up.

It had been a pretty good week for sleep at the correct times, the worst thing I heard upon awakening all week is "OH, you're up! What time is it? 7:30 in the morning? Huh, I thought you always got up around 5am!"

I've gotten pretty good at acting like a pre-teen and mumbling under my breath and not being heard. 'Yeah, I WOULD get up early if I didn't have to cook a meal and make coffee at stinking midnight'! At midnight I mumble something akin to 'The kitchen is closed, what do you think this is, a freakin' restaurant'????

So at 3:30 I roll over to re-adjust to a good REM position, turn back on the heating pad when I hear "Are you awake?" (I'm going to have nightmares for the rest of my life based on those three words). "Mmmm," I say, "Not really". The answer I get is NOT what I wanted to hear.... "I'm thinking about a hot cup of coffee". 'Yeah, think about it for about 3 more hours' is my pre-teen mumble.

"Is there any hot coffee"? "I have to make some" is my answer. "Oh, naughty me! You're so nice!" are the words that float across the dark room. I turned the light on, fumbled for my glasses and glance her way to see her sitting up and holding the cup out like a beggar in the street.

I handled it well.

I laughed at her and told her she was funny.

She handled it well.

She said "At least you're not mad at me".

If only she knew! Today is Friday the 13th. I'm an evil witch in my secret life!!!


  1. hey, on my blog I've invited you to be a Heartless Bitch.

    it's supposed to be funny, but of course it's based on reality, and gee whiz, that's not so funny.

    Hey, do you realize that you're having a lunch date with a would-be romantic interest on VALENTINE'S DAY? hmmmm...... :-)

  2. I think you have too much time on your hands to think.... Although it was a very nice "Date". Take that and run with it, why don't you!!!! :)
